Monday, February 8, 2010

ROFLU: The Greatest Technological Advancement in the Last 10 Years

ROFLU or ROFLcast University, aims to educate our readers by using some of the best educational resources and hundreds of hours of research in the pursuit of understanding. 

This question has plagued scientist and enthusiasts alike for a long time. Well I am proud to announce that after months of research, we have come up with the answer:

The conglomeration of technology and organic life.  Microbiotics, robotics, Thunnus albacares, and emulsions based around bovine byproducts.

For years we have sought the ability to combine organic life forms with modern technology, but due to restraints of organisms proneness to cause bacterial growth, we have been unable to do it. Luckily our friends over at Canada's own Gold Seal research laboratories have solved this problem. The answer? Gold seal tuna snacks.


Somehow they were able to figure out to not only store fish, but mayo as well at room temperature without spoiling! This engineering marvel has opened the flood gate for healthy fish based snacks accessible to everyone! The people at gold seal have taken this technological achievement further by adding crackers to the mix, which enhances the flavor of tuna. Together this chimera of dining has reached new levels of flavor by adding teriyaki, lemon and my favorite, sweet chilli flavors. The fun doesn't stop there, they have added, at your convenience, a tiny spoon as to keep the hands clean, and a tiny napkin in case of a spill. Genius doesn't come often, but when it strikes, it strikes hard.

The greatest technological advancement of the last ten years is: Tuna Snacks.

Until Next Time I Remain… NOM NOM NOM NOM